
Posted: 02/23/2015 in Uncategorized

I wish you all the best this will be my final message here on WordPress…as I have discovered some shocking facts about this particular “platform”. In any event I will continue to write in other places that may or may not be known to you…In any event.


Test, Test, 1-2 -1-2

Posted: 01/26/2015 in Uncategorized

So here I am at the word-press once again with not a single idea of what it is I may type. I don’t really ever have any notion of what I may rabidly express, but rather I just know that when I arrive on this page that I will furiously tap out whatever may be lurking in the so-called sub-conscious. This method, I must admit is neither admirable or organized or even really what could be called a “method’ at all. Though rather my  demented creations of delusional expression are a random and haphazard mess of disjointed and feeble textual babel-lings that, perhaps to you make no sense at all. I must admit further that I would have it no other way, for the only thing that is more repulsive to me than a career politician, is a person who believes that they “know” what it is that they are doing. People who tout themselves to be “experts” should be immediately scrutinized with the full negativity that you are able to generate and radiate powerfully upon that wretched creature of “expertise” who fully deserves your most horrific looking scowl and if the “expert” is slick enough and smooth enough with a sweet sounding script and powerfully sensual motivation scheme, then that evil expert surely works toward the agenda of some demonic fortune 500 group. These especially monstrous artificial human look a-likes need to be booed and hissed from every platform they ever attempt to mount. Anyone who subtlety sends you messages that will allow you to judge yourself as “less-than” as compared to them or their “example” of “success”. These forked tongue devils are exercising an ancient art of deception that has been refined down through the years and is currently totally socially acceptable. Snake oil salesman to their very core, they are usually quite easy to identify.

At other times when these humanoids are allowed to mature they become not as easy to identify, in the case of the really talented ones that have obviously become wildly successful and are encouraged to take advantage of actual people. These self help “experts” or really anyone too slick for their own good, have fallen into the corporate snare of “leadership” or “influence peddler” or “visionary” or whatever label you may want to apply to a modern day “corrupted” over glorified door to door sales person. Do not assume I am speaking about all sales-people, the negative connotation I am painting into and upon a certain group of dishonest sales-people is my current intent and aim. This group of morally flexible people-like entities have tapped into an unsustainable type of dishonest energy that is currently responsible for much of the confusion and misdirection that is literally tearing apart the fabric of this young country. I am not speaking of the current “upheaval” and redirection of energy into a new “sustainable-system”, to replace the currently broken, unfair and dishonest “system”. But I am rather speaking of the intentional misdirection of energy perpetrated by individuals working under the color of “self-help” “experts” and other similar sounding titles of authority. These self proclaimed “experts” selling “systems” of regeneration and profit materialization to desperate out of balance people are some of the most loathsome creatures of our modern criminal strata. These carrion dripping vultures are usually going to focus on money and money alone so the majority of them are easily “spotted” and dismissed. As a metaphor for a large modern group of young individuals I will express my perception of the once “great” nation and now seemingly evolving mass of confused entities in this collection of “Taxable Areas” known as States which consist of individuals striving to become more than they currently are or young individuals that each want to “latch-on” to whatever idea or precept that appears most “successful” to them. I suppose a metaphor it is not… but without convolution and disorientation woven into the textual presentation this particular artistic creation…this characteristically internal textually verbal integration would not reflect the unique eclectic construction that is a signature all my own.  I suppose this ” metaphoric-vision” I am badly attempting to impart to you is one that is in constant progression through the ages and this problem I believe I see, is probably age old and will never be “eliminated”. It would be a wise thing for them, these young individuals to “detach” from all external stimulus and re-think that which you/they really want in your/their existence, and further ponder and deeper contemplate WHY, you think you want that person, place, thing or situation in your “life” or experience. All of these slick and polished “self-help” gurus as of late are selling the same thing, “self-help” material…self help books, self help videos and self help sequences of text strung together and labeled and relabeled under whatever chick format is trendy at the moment. Know them by their fruits and if you cannot do that just proceed very slowly and NEVER rush to any purchase of information in the golden age of free information which is today and NOW!

Try to remember that though positive input is valuable, always be slow and sober in the digestion of such “energy”, don’t be suspicious and or “fault-finding” rather be long contemplating on any subject especially anything I may say. If I say something you can be certain it warrants a thorough scrutiny and examination. I suppose in a way I am pathetically squeaking out my own such brand of “happy-mush” with this very drivel that I am currently spewing. Yes absolutely… I must admit that reading over the previous sentences that it does sound to me like I am attempting to influence you to make some sort of a decision and I am therefore guilty of the very thing I claim to despise. I must tread carefully on this slippery slope of so-called “self-improvement”. I must not color any single or specific person as “guilty” or as having some malicious intent, oh no I would never do that, rather I am attempting to express the idea that all positive thinking and or “programming” and or “belief” is indeed already happening to each one of us… by each one of us… and becoming aware of that “process” is valuable and profitable, however I would I guess to desire and want to caution you to rely on yourself as the highest authority and be suspicious of anyone who claims otherwise. If someone is “selling” bibles then really they cant be that interested in “sacrificing” themselves to “spread the gospel” as it were. So I don’t want to discourage anyone’s belief, I just want to caution people about the long process of discovery and disappointment that proceeds and reoccurs in anyone’s and everyone’s life. The long procession of years will provide some insight later on to the “swinging of the pendulum” and the forward flying arrow of time. I encourage rather self discovery as long as it is you doing all of the discovering through your own invented methods rather than seeking for some easier way to be one who is striving to find the better self or greater self or whatever “better” thing, place, person or situation that you are currently working to realize is.


Humans, what an interesting subject, I was just reading about a government report that was “top-secret” in the “Vietnam era”. The report was about Native American “subjects” that were pulled off of reservations and into the military because they had almost superhuman abilities to sense danger and to track people or animals through the wilderness and find them, E.S.P. type abilities. These “subjects” were all confirmed by the scout/recruiter to have these amazing abilities that the military agreed could be very useful in the combat arena. So case study after case study showed that all these “subjects” had amazing abilities before they entered basic training and all had such shockingly reduced capacity or no abilities at all after basic training. If you have ever been through basic training for the Army Infantry or Marine Corps you probably wont find this very surprising. The only thing that Basic training gives you as a young man is a profound ability to laugh at insanity, and a dangerous false sense of pride in yourself. So anyway… they found that without fail they could take these amazing Native American boys and completely ruin or significantly diminish their abilities that the same institution that ruined them found valuable in the first place. That is Military Intelligence in action and a classic example of it. Well you know the Government they commissioned and used more tax payer money to fund another study or continued study on the subject.  After having completely ruined the lives of several hundred more Native American boys they realized that in order to retain the benefits that the Native Humans could offer them that they would have to modify Basic Training to include no haircuts and to allow the boys to retain some sense of connection with their ancestral heritage. So of course in predictable military fashion they formed a new “unit” and trained the boys with great success using the “modified” Basic Training and allowing the boys to retain their long hair and allowing them to “be Native American”. Now we could utilize these special  Native American scout soldiers to sense danger coming at our assets and track “enemy” humans and kill them with even greater efficiency, the generals and commanders and other psychotic “authorities” were thrilled. The report really went into great detail on the haircuts and how it confirmed that the E.S.P. like abilities that these “subjects” possessed prior to “Basic Training” were indeed directly connected to the length of the subjects hair. This interesting fact was confirmed later in the study with the “special unit” being formed and the “subjects” hair not having been cut. The whole article on the once “Top Secret” report that was now “Declassified” got me to thinking about how we as humans have this incredibly obsessive drive to tamper with everything. How we must pick and poke at every last nook and cranny of the universe to see “what makes it tick”. On a cosmic scale we are nothing more than stupid hairless monkeys poking around with flimsy and weak sticks of curiosity, waiting for some kind of reaction. I must admit,  I find it surprising that that the military “figured-out” where the boys from the reservations actually got their “abilities” from. Having been in the Infantry and trained to kill myself…yes trained to kill myself, I always find it very surprising when the military accomplishes something worthwhile.The Native American boys developed those talents not from the hair alone but the hair was incredibly important, as it apparently acted as some kind of “sensing device”. Also equally important to the development of these extraordinary sensory abilities was their ancestral traditions, families, schools and parents. It was their friends, beliefs and all of their unique experiences before the military that developed those abilities in the Native human boys.  I wonder how long we will keep poking and prodding at the creation that is seemingly around us with our feeble skinny sticks of curiosity. I have wondered a great many things, one of which is the use of language and writing, though certainly seemingly useful I often ponder the possibility that writing may be simply just another tool that we have fashioned to poke and prod the wonder that abounds and was already “perfect” before we started poking, prodding and mangling it into the blurry mess we seem to have today. Going full circle with my “thoughts” I must admit that if it was perfect and we somehow are a part of it then we by way of extension must also be perfect and all of our little dramas and tampering must somehow be totally perfect as well. But again… what do I know, I am certainly no great scholar or profound thinker. I am just another hillbilly on the street, loathed and found to be of no value. I also see the measuring “so called authority” as having absolutely no value, as do their systems of manipulation and control have no value for me. I can see clearly the beginning and the end, and their was much to be said about those that seek power but the most valuable saying about those that seek power is. Beware of those that seek power, I wonder when we will stop tampering with everything and truly start living as though we really do understand the word interdependent. All of our “ideas” and “theories” on how to live life together seem pretty good, great even and yet not a single day of any of them has actually been “practiced”. The worse part is the illusion inside the illusion or facade that we are practicing them, the ideas of living together peacefully and productively often called the worlds “religions”, have never actually been practiced by anyone and many have referred to this facade as our hypocrisy which is certainly massive. But why keep pointing out our mistakes that are at this point sorely obvious, we are indeed by our own measure very imperfect beings. So what posses a group of old men to abduct other young men from their homes to force them together and to send them off far away to kill other young men in some land far from the old men themselves? Well the old men will tell you it is because of morality, its because those other young men have done something bad. Its because we must help protect our oppressed neighbors. And time time again the old men become fabulously wealthy doing this while the young men just get killed and or maimed. Again and again we repeat this asinine behavior until the old men just call us stupid and have no respect for us whatsoever. Today the battlefield will not be in some far off land, it will be right inside your mind. The old men will not send you to some foreign land they will tell you the “war” is right inside your home. You will not have to kill some stranger anymore… you will be told to kill your family and your neighbors. And all because we could not be satisfied with how things are, but be compulsed to create some idea of how things should be and then force others to behave as though we believe they should behave. Don’t listen to me though no one ever has, and that is quite obvious to me. Continue doing what you think is right …because really I am the one that must accept what is happening as perfect and not needing any adjustment or modification. You seem to want to suffer and to cry in ignorance and want, continue to do so. You seem to want to experience many exotic and excruciating forms of pain and misery, continue to do so. Because really all these realities are perfect and just, they are the swinging balance of cosmic justice which we must precisely endure, for every action there is indeed an opposite reaction. To the old men I say enjoy your lavish and expensive lives, enjoy what havoc and chaos has wrought for you. I know you understand the real price you will pay and that the time of recompense or “balance” is coming near. I know your feeble plans and your weaknesses you have convinced yourself… nay deluded yourself are strengths. You stole those boys from those reservations to fulfill your psychotic dreams of some “super-army” that could dominate and destroy all society’s for you. Just another attempt at poking and prodding that we as modern men have achieved our great heights from? Yet still we do not understand. It was already perfect before we destroyed it and forgot about it and trampled on it. Just as the hair that grows out of our heads before we feel compulsed to cut it off because we are told…nay convinced that this is what is “best” because our forefathers told our fathers and they told us. Though I get no credit for being such, I am the son that says to them… you are wrong 187elder.

“Today we will learn to die well today is a good day to die” a quote from an old Native American outlaw and rebel.
I am not very political but the last couple of years of my life have proven to hold a keen interest in what is going on in Washington. I cant say that I understand what it is exactly that these so called “leaders” are doing in the nations capitol. If I had to guess I guess I would say that it seems to be a massive orgy of self interest and Roman style gluttony and greed of ungodly proportions and apparently I’m not invited. To say that the people of America are no longer represented is a laughable understatement that has become repeated so many times that it is cliché‘. I suppose that this is what tonight’s state of the union address will be about.. Our well presented president must placate the unwashed masses by feeding them yet another slick candy coated bald face lie. Not that any president before him wasn’t doing the same thing at every past State of the Union, it’s just that this current president is currently doing it. This time his royal magnificence will apparently even invoke the name or concept of Robin Hood so as to stir us into grandiose visions of corporate fat cats being fleeced and we the people being the recipients of all that splendid loot. Don’t for a moment believe that you will see a “plugged nickel” of any promise made by the head of our national corporation. We all understand that our presidents owners are all completely protected from any so-called new tax on the “rich”. This is a comical ploy to totally destroy the middle and upper-classes of America, that are not part of the central banking cabal that established themselves in this country through the Federal Reserve Bank and through various other criminal methods. I have learned to do without a normal average income or a vehicle or a tax paying job. I have learned that I cannot go to hospital or doctor if anything should happen to me. Yes I must admit I am an extreme case, but I am seeing once “average” families and individuals having to imitate my hermetic and meager habits in order to survive. Since the day now dubbed nine-eleven I have watched my nation slowly descend into the scientifically divided and precisely calculated and deftly executed plan of attack that has rendered our country severely crippled and unable to defend itself against Rothschild Zionism. Printing billions of dollars every month will not defer the inevitable forever. This type of financial strategy has not worked in any historical example, ever.
I wonder how far Americans will be willing to go on with this “New World Order”. Will we gladly offer our first-born to the “establishment” which turns out to be all of the major corporations and central banks of the world. I have misspoken we are indeed already are doing that I don’t know and frankly I have come to the point that I don’t care. It is disappointing to admit that I am defeated, yet at some point I must turn to logic and common sense and realize that America was defeated long ago. I had to drop out of the eighth grade because my family couldn’t afford to feed me. I had to “fend for myself” since I was thirteen years old. I had to join the military and see what we really do in actual truth around the globe instead of the ridiculous lies told on television. When I spoke up immediately after the world trade center disaster I was ostracized quite severely by the same people who today realize I was right and wont even look me in the eye. I can feel in my bones that today is a good day to die well, whenever a President talks about helping the people and taxing the rich, that’s when I realize that the wolf will soon be at the door and all hope should be abandoned. Concentrate on practical matters other than “hope”. Change is coming soon and it will be an obvious and starkly uncomfortable change. I do not feel too badly for myself, I have had a long time to prepare for what is coming in the near future. I do feel badly for those that believe everything is fine and nothing hugely dramatic is going to happen to them or their young families. It is a time to learn to do with less and to understand more about those around us, for we will be challenged to fend for ourselves as the “end-game” is dawning. Yes we need to mimic the habits of our ancestors who survived the depression. The family farm, though probably will be rendered totally illegal soon would be one sure way to add stability and self sufficiency to any family unit.
I am no genius or political expert, I am the “man on the street.” my instincts have never failed me in the past . The sky is not falling but the veiled fascism that has posed as our so called democracy that was once a Republic is about to remove its mask and gloves for us on the “street” to behold and to feel. Today is and will always be a good day to die well.

John Tvrz


Posted: 01/19/2015 in Uncategorized

Certainly, but the raining moments prevailed in the storm and all my curses and declarations of dissent could not clear and heal the destruction that greed had wrought in our world. So alone… now only with our memories we step into a new day if not a new life. Love? what of Love, when it would have been easy we did not Love and now that it is hard how shall we?

Musings in the Morning

“What of Love?” I spoke long ago with fake nonchalance. There was loneliness, but I was too proud to show it. And then you. “Perhaps,” I thought to myself, “the answer is you.”

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Sometimes I get in a silly mood and just do things for fun, not very professional I know, though I must admit I never have been accused of being very professional. Wait a second …this is not work anyway, I just come here and tap away at these keys for fun.

If not a blessed soul was to waste some precious moments here with me It would not matter… since these encoded messages to the madman I tend to think of as me are purely self actuated and self absorbed. These textual enigmas of expression here a recycled symbol of thought within this singular mind.

I pontificate into a mirror of my own image with disheveled hair and wild bulging eyes, my limbs furiously gesticulating while digits express a story separate from the oral narrative. I cannot be bothered with facts or truth, for my entire existence is a farce and facade built upon a crumbling nation of corruption…of self-serving, self-centered schemes of “positioning”.

I regret to inform the super ego driven quadrillion-airs of abundance and massive financial fortune that when the great balancing that they themselves have fabricated and plan to ride into total world domination. When this Juggernaut unfolds it will be a power unto itself and turn violently against its own creators and self proclaimed masters. When this beast of ill will and scarcity rerecords the false history of greed and clawing desperation of maniacs in tuxedos … that though now they may be hailed as heroes, tomorrow they will be shunned and painted as the villains their actions have revealed them to be.

I love America, but our opportunity to feed and heal the world has passed, we have failed. I love America the land where I was born, and yet I am ashamed to admit that I did nothing while we, “America” raped, pillaged, plundered and poisoned our way across the globe …and if you …”any other nation” …were foolish enough to declare yourself independent or “separate” from us, we then, bombed shot and killed our way through your country as well.

Politics is not really my thing and I am surprised to re-read the those last few sentences. But when I ponder the outrageous lies my own Government has been telling and is still telling. I simply let what is inside flow outward…yes my view is not the same as your view and I have no desire to change your view…my expressions are made public by YOUR CHOICE, so if you are offended and or seem to think you must correct me, you are a fool…you are a fool in that I write these expressions in a stream of consciousness and then I do nor redact or restrict what flows out of my finger tips and on to this virtual page.

If you do not agree, just laugh this off as the FICTION you believe that it is, as the FICTION this diversion surely is.

I wonder how any one group of people could possibly be so gullible, we are suckers though, “Americans” that is… history has shown that this is unequivocally true. Americans are the biggest bunch of idiotic buffoons I have ever met. Of course they are all I have ever met, so color me buffoonish… I face my well deserved doom, I know I could have done more to demonstrate what the farce of mainstream socially acceptable “truth” really is, though I can only be held accountable for my own beliefs and not others beliefs, this I suppose truly is “justice”.

I know that being fired and literally exiled for my own political beliefs was not enough, I should have been executed as well. For execution would have purified me and satisfied the demonic blood-lust of my so-called “authorities.”

This new war will not be fought with bullets but with words. It is principles and precepts that will win the new day, and the way it looks right now the highest bidder will take the prize, for we have all sold our souls for “money” …for ease and for excesses. We have all played the bankers game and the banker has convinced us we need him. We could refuse his wispy dream of betrayal, but we are too busy Goggling, Face-booking, Amazonian-Internet-Surfing, and experiencing the endless treadmill of distractions that our once great country has become. We are much too busy to be bothered with the truth. So drink down another green liquid poison Monster and fly away with another pink-orange bull, while eating your fast, and futile food..until your feet disappear, and sleep no longer finds you…press the smart phone against your face and microwave your brain and your frozen genetically modified organisms to stuff quickly into your swollen gullet… temporary relief from the horrid disease you call your life.

I will blog alone in my pitiful self absorbed fantasy wringing my hands rocking back and forth wailing why me!… why me!…..I did nothing to stop it!….as though I have any such power…ha! ha! I am POWERLESS… except inside my own mind and I would have it no other way… for why would I want responsibility for your own deluded fantasies?

.No… I smile and step in front of the speeding juggernaut and as it smashes this flesh into oblivion I will pass away happy knowing I could no longer sit and do nothing… and short of wearing a orange robe and dowsing myself with gasoline I will chose to live a fabrication of doing the right thing here in these ineffectual sentences of reflection of my thought and belief.

Who knows any of our true fates….no one….Things have a funny way of working out, and again I pity those that believe they are “winning” now. Fortune has a fickle silly way of becoming what you once thought it wasn’t. To those that suffer and wait, I can only say be joyous and take pleasure in knowing that you resisted and protested the onslaught of tyranny as long as you could.

The flesh is not all that you are, and they can only take your life and not your soul. I say rejoice in knowing that they cannot make you choose the wrong feeling or thought or idea, these things no one can take from you and you will always be free inside your mind.

The dark secret or true desire of these mass murders is that they seek to capture your mind which is the last wall of defense to your soul. Never give them your thoughts, they cannot own them… for they…your thoughts… are you.

You are your thoughts and no one person, spirit or great entity can posses you. This is why they seek to always get your “permission” by any trickery they can contrive, The truth is that you are always in complete control of yourself this is the victory… no matter the external illusion, which they seek to use against us all.

Pity them for they cannot choose their own feelings or make their own decisions, the ones appearing greatest among them do not even have a soul…pity them.

We are the last real people left and they will seek to dominate and subjugate the physical body……. our physical bodies……. as they themselves become more and more distant from thought, choice, free-will, and real happiness…yes pity them… they have gained the whole world but truly lost their immortal souls…though separation is an illusion I believe in the great beyond, after having made more excellent and correct choices here, that God or Universal Intelligence or whatever you want to call all that is…awards us our individuality to experience “forever.”

They who seek power and control know not what they do, they only know more dominance, and complete control over others…it is O.K….their insecurities and sheer evils undo them all…one by one they expire in consumption, for no man can bear the weight of such greed and avarice.

We live in an extraordinary time really, we are becoming witness to the first “One-World” financial system, which has been prophesied for two-thousand years, nay… longer than this… I am not representing any political party, I am not of or “belonging” to any religious view or organization, so you may condemn me to hell or whatever purgatory or “review” your religion describes.

I am simply one lone “blogger” in a vast virtual ocean of electronic noise and moving data, my effect but an invisible ripple in the endless vast invisible sea. I write fiction and verse, I dabble in poetry and the textual expression of thought, this is my “diversion” from the truth.

And so tonight someone has informed me what “Blogging” is and what it is for. As near as I can tell… according to this person, I am doing it completely “wrong”…Blogging that is.

Number one I am not “helping” anyone to solve any problems. Number two I am not “monetizing” my blog.

Now I agree that according to these criteria I am completely and utterly a dismal failure; however, I console myself with the knowledge that I started this little diversion as just that, a pleasant way to type away a few minutes or hours, every once and while.

I already know that I could write a blog about what I do professionally; however, I am sure there are literally millions of “blogs” out there expounding on the same subject.

I am wondering why I cant just type along in my own little dream world and be happy.

It wasn’t like I was desiring to be making any money let alone fortunes out of this free WordPress account anyway.

The person who explained to me that I am “blogging” all wrong, informed me that I am not fulfilling my destiny and that I should pay him/her an amount of money to learn how to do just that, thus becoming happy.

I am not one hundred percent sure… but I think that only I can know what my destiny is. I am ninety-eight percent sure that I am already happy… with or without an “audience” and paying someone else to tell me I have to now “work hard”, reselling their “system” will be the only way I will become successful just seems a little dubious to me.

I am sure… Number one, that selling their “system” wont make me happy. I am sure it will make them happy for me to pay them to market their “system” for them and then spend long hours doing just that to become “successful”.

Number two…doing all of these above described “things” is definitely not my destiny. I wish no ill will toward this person, a quick internet “Google”, turned up thousands… no… tens of thousands of results showing other people doing the exact same thing as them, I wish them all…all the success in the world, I am not being sarcastic in the least.

I am One Hundred Percent positive that this is not my destiny. I may be an unknown author with no following and I may not make a penny off of what I am doing “right now” …but I am happy …and I am always learning about success, what it means to me and how to obtain more of it.

I may not have any “skill” as a “writer” but I enjoy rambling on to no-one in particular and it keeps me off of the streets.

So no offense to all of you “successful” people out their but I for one am all out of time for “The secret proven method of success” that is just one easy payment of X amount or four easy payments of X amounts.

I think my old fashioned notions about what I personally like will have to suffice me for now.

I think maybe I will just feel happy and grateful for what I have and also for no particular reason whatsoever.

It is true I am an eighth grade drop out who later got his high-school diploma from the Army. It is true I do not have the “skill-set” to be an editor and to proof read and correct my own work. It is true my writing reflects these facts; however, I have never tried to tell anyone I was any of those “qualified”, “successful” things..I have never represented myself as some “successful-author”, I have always just tried to be me.

If the real “me” is not “good enough” to be “successful” then success is not what I thought it was and I will have to be happy with the blessings and the abundance I already have in my life, this is as successful as I will have to be “for now”.

My destiny is what I make it…and what I make it is completely up to me.

Blessings to all & More for all, Less for None!

John Tvrz     #kidsebook

kitty foot burn out

Posted: 01/10/2015 in Uncategorized

I slip along the hallway stalking those wild peanuts. Stealthy and inside the shadows I continue in silence, no trace of my passing ever known. These feeble minded fools will never know the awesome power that lives inside my single paw. When the time is right I pounce, though patience and discipline is needed for success. To rule the entire outside world is not my aspiration, for I understand that I am not that insecure, I already rule this domain where the people sit and stare at the slim, flashing rectangular box. I am already the ruler of these few people here inside this big warm box and it is not without its trials and tribulation. I understand them better than they believe, I sense the “attitude” they project through the non-verbal communication they constantly display. If I could speak the strange tongue that they utter, peep and sqeal…I believe my use of it would be much more sparing. I do believe these creatures are much better off with me here, they seem to know it and this is sufficient. Like a ghost I patrol the darkness, I am ruler of the wee hours and no small creature or threat is safe here. These days that pass while I sit in the window and notice the movements of the outside please me. I need not roam free, for I have seen it all before and I know that no adventure out there cannot be re-produced here. When I was younger and wanted more, I suppose I could yearn for the danger and un-predictability  of the unknown. These moments in now are filled with the gratitude and admiration of those around me and the amazing “stability: my life is today. I still stalk wild peanuts and kill plastic straws and jingling round balls with enthusiasm. I only killed those precious others because I had to, and Now I Need Not Kill, this I know is a blessing. So when the moon rises and the silent still night falls its hush over your town, remember me the ferocious feline commander of time and space. Remember me the master and commander of the living room, I cannot be daunted or subjugated. I never compromise or  negotiate. I live in wild eyed determination and adventure no matter my circumstance. Being of royal descent and of superior stock I continue into the future regardless of feeble humanity’s petty crimes against itself. When you have long obliterated yourselves from the material plane I will live on, for I already understand that the original word used in the Greek “bible” was indeed not “meek”, but a word that would literally translate to from the Greek into English ” Great Power Under Control” and not “Meek” as written for the “King James Version”…but you in your ignorance and arrogance may continue to call me Meek.

I did not want to sound like I was writing another children’s book, yet alas…what I think about most of the time is indeed what my life becomes.

I did ponder the possibility of dazzling you with my brilliance and my genius level of textual eloquence, yet… since I have none of these… my usual drivel will have to do.

I was pondering the progression of civilization and all of its amazing complexities. I was wondering how we once sustained our-self’s with “I love yous”. How we believed in and held high the admiration of our fellows.

How at one time, loyalty and continuity to ones own peer group was the most valuable currency of all.

Though it seems over time, these beliefs…these “ways of being”… or even old ways of “honor” and therefore deep satisfying modes of existence have all but disappeared.

These “old ways”, replaced by …”its a dog eat dog world”… run over by …”do unto you, before you do unto me”…or how about the golden rule, “those with the gold make the rules”.

A sad and terrible perversion of happy gentleman’s and ladies “agreements” to facilitate a “civilized” co-existence.

I know you will rush to a million examples of how uncivilized the “past” was and you will strike down with blinding undeniable logic any statement I make here.

I do not deny that you are the superior entity and you alone understand and “know” absolutely everything past, present, and future.

I think my position is to merely and gently point out to you that you once again have completely missed the point and or the value of yet another completely infantile and utterly foolish expression such as this one.

The Poopy Pants Space Traveler who lights his pants seat on fire and jets himself into space… who collects molds and mossy ferns from other planets and brings them back to Earth to feed to Politicians and world leaders in order render them incorruptible suddenly and wonderfully incapable of corruption or malice…a pleasant thought…as childish as it may be.

I can illuminate out how stunningly well everything is going in the present.

I could site how brilliant our current “leaders” are… how there is no turmoil or problem with our current state of being. This is due to the fact that our political minds and our God-like captains of Industry are so brilliant and are doing such a good job managing the lowly wretched peons that are us.

It is true that without their stupendous guidance we would be killing and eating each other in the streets by now.

Yes indeed mankind’s future has never looked brighter has it not? And of course we have our “best and brightest” to thank for that.

Our pristine and white shinning leader-ship who labor in complete and utter disregard for their own self interests.

I was intimating that things were better in the past, or at-least it sounded that way perhaps.

I think again that you assume a great deal, and perhaps by watching so much television your sense of judgement has become nothing more than a Pavlovian monkey, responding to its corporate implanted bell-tones…Have you become aware of your “conditioning” and have you made the inordinately poor decision that you are somehow “above” such influence?

I know that for myself I have come to a painfully real awareness of a lifetime of television, movies, magazines and institutional “suggestion” along with systematic conditioning that “leads” my perception to a specific way of “seeing” or “perceiving” the “world” around me. A devious punishment and reward system that has been implemented and “fine-tuned” since my birth and until now.

This shallow and soft-minded pondering has led me to the “past” and the notion that real freedom and genuine social protocols that were truly “fair and just” must have existed in the so-called past before this “out of balance” string of recent decades transpired.

Don’t you love the way that I am a “shit-house” scholar? The way I use words, grammar and punctuation improperly? exposing myself as fraud and imposter? Yes it is true I am such an ass, I do not posses the prerequisite skill and training to be a “writer” or “author”. Yet here I am babbling on in an endless ocean of internet “pages”, Lost alone and undeniably stupid and even unaware that I am “unaware”.

I look out at the world today and wonder how we once survived and prospered to this point on ….”I love yous”… to the philosophy of today which is “whats in it for me”?

It is a seemingly disappointing mess and I earnestly hope we resolve our “differences”, yet alas …gaze upon the truth ..Once a grateful nation of “I love yous” to the now over-bloated contemptuous pack of rabble screaming “Kill Kill Kill”…if not that then ………”Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! “.

Does prosperity and abundance always do this to a nation?….

How did we go from sustaining our self’s with “I love yous” to killing each other with “this is mine”…”what can you do for me?”….”see how superior I am to you”….”get out of my way”….

The “self-help” teachers tell me that whatever I focus on I receive. I don’t doubt this for a moment, but don’t these same people say “we all are one?”

Now if I get what I focus on…and I look around and somehow find the perfect justice and balance transpiring in the seeming chaos and imbalance around me.

Realizing now that all these seeming injustices are not injustices at all but the results of what “individual perceptions” are focused on.

Does the perfect now really say to me “Everything is exactly how it should be”.

Is it possible that it is merely my perception that is flawed?

If indeed it be the “devil” is the “devils” greatest trick not making us believe he does not exist?  ….I for one see the devil in me and the devil in you

I am not afraid to admit that I am the “devil” as well as you are just the same.

Is the real “trick” of the “devil” to get us to judge the seeming “injustices” of the world as “wrong” and therefore “suck us into” his web of misery?

Is the slippery slope of judgement the “wide road to hell”?

I know my “suggestions” are childish and simple….I understand that you are superior and have all these problems already resolved…This expression merely reflects a simple childish mind pondering the complexities of a seeming world around it.

You have nothing to “solve” there is no “problem”

I am but a frothing mouthed madman who gesticulates wildly in the firelight with these textual contrivances. I am neither a “sought after” teacher …”authority” or “expert”…again…I am merely a crazy …..”no-one”… ….the proverbial “Nobody”…in an endless sea of information spewing out of the mouth of God as Luke warm filth. …But as I think…. I type …and I press certain buttons and “publish” certain strings of words into these endless streams of already forgotten Volumes of inconsequential ramblings. I will never be able to say “I Love you” without you calculating the reward.